Thursday 31 March 2011

Resident Evil Redux??

I was sitting here for quite a while wondering what to write about next. In fact those of you who know me would have seen me asking for topics on my facebook. Well my girlfriend came up with a wonderful idea and I was all set to go with it when I heard the shocking news, Resident Evil Code Veronica and Resident Evil 4 are getting HD remakes on the psn and xbox live. Now this may not be a big deal to you, indeed if you don't like R.E (I mean Resident Evil not Religious Education there obviously) then you wont give a flying monkeys but seeing as I have been a fan of R.E since the (not legal to play it) age of 13ish then this made me very happy indeed. The first game in the series that I owned was strangely enough the first in the series in general  and to this day I'm amazed the guy in the shop actually sold it to me. It was one of my favourite Sega Saturn games and although I haven't played it recently I'm sure I would still like it today. I owned R.E 2 on the N64 and for some reason missed out on 3. Resident Evil 4 is without a doubt the R.E game I have played most, I owned it on my ps2 and also on my wii and I can assure you I will be downloading this remake. 

For those of you who don't know let me explain quickly about Resident Evil 4. You control Leon S Kennedy who was also in R.E 2 and your on a mission to save the presidents daughter because she got kidnapped or ran away or something ( I said I was a fan of the games, doesn't mean I paid much attention to the story.) Anyway you soon find out that the local villagers would rather kill you than shake your hand and so the game picks up from there. This game shook up the way R.E games played and in doing so totally changed its genre from survival horror to action. The camera angle changed from static views of each room to a behind the shoulder camera and as a result of that the way the character controlled changed too. The one flaw in this game in my humble opinion is that half the game was an escort mission. If you know games then you know why this could be considered a major downside and if you don't then listen up. Basically an escort mission is where you have someone following you and you have to protect them and make sure they get to where they are going without being eaten by zombies or falling down a hole or walking into a wall and not realising how plain stupid they are being. Now all of those previously stated things will happen quite a lot mainly because your companion in an escort mission is almost always as thick as Forrest Gump covered in treacle.

At this point you may be thinking if I have complaints then why on earth have I owned the game twice so far and why am I looking forward to the remake so much. The answer my dear reader is simple, the game is a true classic. I have finished it so many times that I could tell you whats coming around the next corner before you even know where the next corner is and despite that I still love it. I bought R.E 5 the day it came out and it just wasn't the same, there is just truly something about R.E 4 that means you enjoy your time with it no matter what. The set pieces are awesome, the characters are very memorable and the gameplay is without a doubt some of the best around. The graphics don't look too bad considering the age of the game and the HD remake should solve that problem anyhow. 

So there you have it, I have no clue what price this will be when it get released but I will buy it regardless. Also you may have noticed that I mentioned there were 2 games being remade and yet only talked about one of them, now don't get me wrong I'm excited about the other one too but I have never played Code Veronica and so I would have had nothing to say about it anyhow. I want to add one last thing to this although its not strictly on topic, I also heard that they might be making an online R.E game where you play alongside other people playing though some of the events from other games in the series from a different point of view. Now that's a great idea, Left 4 Dead managed the whole Co-Op zombie outbreak amazingly but the past Co-Op R.E games were a massive flop so I sure hope they don't use either of those for the basis of this new game.

Anyhow that's all from me for now, as always feel free to comment and if you have any ideas for future topics then e,mail me at Happy gaming!

Monday 14 March 2011

Your mum will hate this post!

I would like to start this off quickly by letting you into some background info, I suck at spelling and for some reason the spellcheck on this software wasn't working today so there are a few mistakes here and there. Having said that I hope you still enjoy this and if you do want to moan at me about any mistakes then feel free, all feedback is welcome.. right on with the show.

Those of you in the know will understand the title of this post when I say its about Dead Space 2 but for those of you not as mad into games as some of us allow me to explain. Dead space 1 is a horror game, strangely enough set in space. You control a regular guy, not a tough army guy or some sort of space marine but someone who welds things together for a living. You go to a ship to answer a distress call and end up getting attacked by monsters with very large, long limbs... have a guess where you have to shoot them to kill them. If you said the head then read the last sentance again... honestly some people. Anyway it will come as no surprise to learn that you survive the attack and live to fight another day, hence the fact they made a sequal. 

Dead Space 2 is also a horror game and is also set in space. The ads in america involved showing a tonne of Dead Space 2 footage to a load of mothers (or actresses paid to act like mothers, i'm not sure) and filming their reactions. The main tag lines of these ads are "Your mom will hate this game" or something close to it anyhow and were intended to show how horrific and gross the game is, i'm assuming in order to make people want it more. Now i cant say the game isn't gory because it is, and some areas are fairly disturbing, one area even more so if you have kids, but I just didn't find this game scary really. I jumped exactly twice during this game, and one of those times was during the demo so when I got round to playing the actual thing I knew it was coming. So I should really say the game itself actually only made me jump once, and it didn't even involve any monsters, just a small area and a whole butt load of steam suddenly bursting out of nowhere. Now I don't know if that says more about me or the game, after all I grew up on games and films involving plenty of blood and guts so maybe i'm just desensitised and the game genuinly is scary but personally I have been scared more walking home from work late at night then by playing this game. 

After you have read all that you must think I don't like this game but nothing could be further from the truth, I couldn't stop playing the game and as soon as I finished it I started it again right away so I could go through it again on a tougher setting. I was totally absorbed by the story and loved the gameplay to peices, upgrading your armor and weapons means your constantly searching areas for every scrap of ammo, money or power nodes that you can find. I guess really what i'm saying is you have a great game here E.A but maybe you should try some better marketing next time rather than going for shock tactics.

Anyway thats all from me for now, let me know what you thought about this or tell me if you want me to cover anything in the future by e,mailing me at 
Happy gaming.